原野氣韻深廣,水路極致細膩,茶湯質地黏稠飽滿,持續性和穩定性高,陰柔之中透出高雅之美。它的香氣口感特徵可以用高貴來形容,花蜜香明顯,茶味甜潤,喉韻綿長。香氣沉而不張揚。有著濃郁的蜜香,鳳凰窩的花香顯得更濃,更沉。 【鳳凰窩】屬於易武原始森林中的一個秘境,這裡的古茶林都隱匿于原始森林之中,古茶園歸屬于易武丁家寨所有,鳳凰窩的海拔比彎弓海拔更高,比冷水河更加深入,環境也相對更加生態,沿途森林密佈,植物蔥蘢,鳳凰窩古樹茶可以說是易武國有林古樹茶品中的代表,香氣口感特徵獨一無二,香型不張揚,底蘊十分明顯,韻味獨特,鳳凰窩當之無愧的易武天后,再加上產量稀少,更顯珍貴,稀有古茶,易武新貴,限量私享,一片難求。 鳳凰窩,微小產區,位於易武古茶山上丁家寨的最高地勢,古茶樹生長在原始雨林的國有林中,是名副其實的“森林系”古茶,天地乾坤,瓊漿玉液。 The charm of the wilderness is deep and wide,the waterway is extremely Deleteicate,the texture of the tea soup is thick and full,the continuity and stability are high,and the beauty of elegance is revealed in the softness. Its aroma and taste characteristics can be described as noble,with obvious nectar aroma,sweet tea flavor and long throat rhyme. The aroma is deep but not overpowering. With a strong honey fragrance,the floral fragrance of Phoenix Nest is stronger and deeper. [Phoenix Nest] belongs to a secret place in the Yiwu virgin forest. The ancient tea forests here are all hidden in the virgin forest. The ancient tea gardens belong to Yiwu Ding’s family village. The river is deeper and the environment is relatively more . The forests along the way are densely covered with verdant plants. Fenghuangwo ancient tree tea can be said to be the representative of the ancient tree teas in Yiwu State-owned Forest.,unique charm,Phoenix Nest is well-deserved Yiwu Queen,coupled with the scarcity of production,it is even more precious,rare ancient tea,Yiwu upstart,limited private enjoyment,hard to find. Fenghuangwo,a small production area,is located in the highest terrain of Dingjiazhai on the Yiwu ancient tea mountain. The ancient tea trees grow in the state-owned forest of the original rainforest. It is a veritable "forest type" ancient tea.
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